Saturday, July 18, 2009

The LIST, part 2

A lot was happening on University Avenue. The LIST had ads for the Book Gallery at 6 E. University and Goerings Book Center at 1310. The Hogtown Granary Food Co-op, "the South's Leading Co-op since 1974," was at 804. There was also the first ad I had seen for Hyde & Zeke's Record Exchange which was at 919 W. University then.

The ads in the Winter '79 issue of the LIST's Florida Pages #5 alerted us that the Hogtown Granary had a new address at 1124 W. University. I bought my Champion juicer there and it's still going strong 30 years later. Amazing.

Bellevue Gardens Organic Farms in Archer had an ad in that issue, and so did Jamie Londono for his Lecanto Tofu Shop. Amelia's Books at 12 NW 8th Street introduced books for, by, and about women. At the same time Alma Rose gave us Sophia's, a "creative self-development center for women."

Some of the chiropractic physicians with ads in that issue were Zindani Tilchin, Randall Roffe, Bruce Rappaport, Lewis Arrandt, and Steve Schargel.

Birthplace, an alternative birthing center, was at 635 NE First Street. Dr. Joel Friedman had his holistic medical practice upstairs, and though we all wished him well when he moved to Hawaii, he left a void in the healing community that I've never quite gotten over.

The McConnell family owned Sunflower Health Foods, then at 7 W. University. The Gainesville Artisan's Guild was up and running at 806 W. University, a new showcase for talented local artists. Festival Signs was located in the rear of 19 SE 2nd Place. We also had the Soma Institute, founded by Bill Williams and Ellen Gregory, featuring neuromuscular integration.

It didn't take me too long to realize that the LIST 's ads were a directory of all things alternative and they became my roadmap to explore the intriguing counterculture. Something was stirring inside me as I kept thinking there ought to be a new age directory. Little did I know...


cathy dewitt said...

All right--I've read all these entries and I must say that you and your daughter share a talent for writing, as well as a similar style!
I too have a lot of these old publications in boxes, drawers etc. Our Daily Bread was a great little store--kind of behind where Mother Earth is now--a lot of musicians hung out there, with occasional jams. Of course the Hogtown Granary (also called Co-op at some point) came along quite a bit later. Do you remember the shopping center across from campus where there was a VERY esoteric book store (was it called Omni Books?), and Larry Turner (the judge) had his sandal shop, and James Maness hired hippie girls and boys to stand on the street selling flowers? Down to Earth was THE place to socialize and make your plan for the day. I believe Health Horizons was run by Walter and Mary Beth (who now has the Center for Balance, one of the most successful healing arts centers along 6th Street) Oh--and New Harvest restaurant, upstairs in that strip along University Avenue--that was the first place I ever ate millet! They also had wonderful bread, baked by John Chambers, more recently a musician and harp-maker.

Priscilla said...

What a great comment! You brought back some wonderful memories. When did you come to Gville? Did you jam at Our Daily Bread? Oh, you were probably too young then! I've been here since 1956. Kiki was born when we lived in Flavet 2 on campus.
I'm happy to know Dottie Zavada and I aren't the only ones that save those old publications. :)
I sort of remember the esoteric bookstore but don't recall it being Omni, nor did I know that fabulous bread at New Harvest was baked by John Chambers!

Rev. Linda Joy Lewis M.A.Ed. said...

Hi Priscilla, this is LindaJOY. let's see if this comment thread works. Denny and i moved to G'ville in '91, so he could attend graduate school at UF, as a music composition major, after graduating New College Sarasota. I figured i could go anywhere to get my Master's Ed.Turned out UF had a great teaching program called Pro-teach. Denny couldn't jive with the conservative music dept. there who couldn't accept Just Intonation and the oddly-tuned instruments. But he did begin the non-profit, World Harmony Project, with his Exotic Music Ensemble often performing with others at Thomas center, etc. ( My role as hostess was to provide fun, themed refreshments). That's how we met Cathy DeWitt and her wonderful friends. We did attend the Transcendental Meditation Center on SW Second Av. Went to a great Tabla performance and Meditation one nite there, but it was already experiencing financial difficulties, and eventually became a building that housed attorneys. Sad because it was such a lovely vibration and piece of architecture.
When we lived in Sarasota, i too bought my wonderful big yellow Champion juicer at the Granary down there, where my son Jason and my friend Sun were working. The old one i had carted back from HI finally died, after thousands of hours of service in our boarding house in Honolulu...
I still have a copy of the LAST WHOLE EARTH CATALOG as well as THE HOME PLANET, both fun to look thru still.
Ah, Ram Dass. First time i met him in person was Honolulu, Jan. 1979. I was quite pregnant, wearing a lovely lavender dress someone had given me. About 100 of us were doing Sufi dancing, meditating, listening to the Master himself,and then being led by him in a Burning Bowl Ceremony to Kali (it was near New year's). A truly memorable evening!!!
A month later, when Denny and i had only had a chance to attend one LaMaze birthing class together, we were both surprised when, during the full moon I went into early labor, and my midwife had to meet us by the treacherous Pali lookout during severe rainstorms and travel with us to the little hospital on the North Shore. We had a little '57 VW bug with a leaky sun roof, and hadn't yet fixed the broken windshield wipers, since the baby wasn't due for another month and a half..(this was laid-back HI). Oh,no, what will we do? Denny looked at my beloved 8x13 black and white smiling photo of Ram Dass and said, I know, let's take RamDass with us.He will help us!! So here we are at Kahuku hospital and with each contraction i'm breathing and looking at RamDass. Several hours later Amir was born (short for A MIRacle) and was over 5 pounds and perfect in every way.
On Feb. 2, 2003, we were in G'ville and caught RamDass at UF after i had read his lovely book, STILL HERE, about life going on after strokes, etc. First George Torterelli played his flutes, followed by a showing of "Fierce Grace", and finally they wheeled out RamDass. Altho he spoke slowly at first, you could see him being transformed by the Love in the Audience for him, and soon he was just like he always was, regaling us with many wonderful stories and his own brand of humor. I remember at some point some young guy who obviously knew nothing of him was trying to pin him down about the specifics of what went on at this wild party he was describing with all sorts of famous people like Tim Leary in this big old house. Ram Dass looked at him and the audience and simply responded, "WE FROLICKED!!" It shut the idiot guy up and the audience roared. after the talk, i was one of the people standing up, waiting for my turn to talk at the mike. I told the story of Amir, and Ram Dass paused and then said, "It's amazing how many Births i attend without my even knowing it!"
So now we can add that to his list of what he does: (invisible)MIDWIFE